Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner!

So this week I attempted to go to class yet again but apparently school in Spain technically starts on September 20th but doesn't really start until Octoberish... So hopefully this week I will start to have real class. I feel like I am such a nerd for saying that but I like school, I'm good at school. My classes that I will be taking are Geografia Politica (Political Geography), Estructura Politica y Economica I (Political Structure and Economy), Oranizaciones Internacional (International Organizations), and Politicas Espanol (Spanish Politics). I am really looking forward to my classes and the one thing that I like about their school is that everybody shares notes. A guy in one of my classes took Spanish Politics last year and offered to give me his notes. I was surprised and relived for this ha.

I don't know how it happened but I have somehow become accustomed with Spain and it's culture. In the morning when I wake up I have a cup of yogurt and or fruit and I don't find myself hungry for lunch until 2 or 3 in the afternoon! Then I have class from 4 to about 8ish. Then I am not hungry for dinner until 9 or 10pm at night. I thought I would never get used to eating so late in the day but now it just seems so natural. I have always been told that if I eat so late at night it's bad for me and i'm going to gain weight but surprisingly I have lost 10 lbs since I have been in Spain. I have done this simply by walking everywhere that I need to go and dancing. I dance all the time! Every time we go to the bars I dance and burn off all my calories. People drink a lot when they go out but because they dance so much hardly anybody is ever drunk.

Speaking of dancing, I went salsa dancing for the first time this past weekend with my roommates Marjorie, Katrina, and Paige. The club is called Punta Cana and I had the time of my life!! I was SO nervous to go because I have never danced salsa before and all of these people go every week to dance! But I ended up dancing with a handful of very gorgeous latin men and my oh my it was an amazing experience. Not only is it a blast to dance salsa it's an amazing work out! I could feel it everywhere, my core, my calves, my back, my arms! I am so excited to go again next week! I have decided that in order to get better I am going to practice in my room and watch youtube videos. This will help me get better and also it's great workout and I don't have to pay to work out at the school gym which is also a 20 minutes bus ride away...

Paige,Marjorie, Me, Katrina at Punta Cana

Spain is becoming more and more like home<3 At first I hated that nothing was open on Sunday's, it was really annoying because that is usually when I do my shopping and errands. But now since I don't come home till 7am during the weekends I am glad that I literally have nothing to do in the world. I love that care free feeling of getting to nothing ALL DAY LONG!! I used to feel really lazy but now I absolutely love it!

The downside to becoming accustomed so fast is that when I come in December and July it's going to be a rough transition especially with school. My senior year is going to be pretty rough but oh well that's still a year away! Right now I am going to enjoy being carefree. I don't have work, I don't have a position in my sorority, I don't have much homework, to a certain extent I don't have responsibility and I have come to love it!

Oh for those of you who may want to send me a package or letter (if you love me so =) ) my address is the following:
Calle Inmaculada Junto Juan Don de Borbon
Murcia, Spain 3007

I love getting mail and I get postcards when I can so if you would like one just send me a message with your address and i'll be sure to get you a sweet one!

Amor y Besos,

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