Saturday, November 6, 2010

it's been a while.

So it has been  a long time since I have written. I guess I have just been super busy in the wonderful world od España. The past two weeks have been full of ups and downs. First the good things that have happened. Well my spanish has gotten so much better. I can understand almost everything that native people say to me. However, when people have really thick Murcian accents (Murcia has the hardest accent to understand). I have now seen 3 movies in Spain and they are obviously in Spanish with no subtitles and I have progressively laughed harder and enjoyed the movies better because I can fully understand what is going on. Even though its easy to read body language to know whats going on, being able to understand what they say makes the movies SO much better ha.
Another awesome thing that happened in these past two weeks is we celebrated Halloween. Now, Halloween in Spain is a tad bit different than in the US. In the US people usually dress up as the characters in the latest big movie or celebrities, actually just funny things in general. Here, it is so different. Everybody dresses up as a dead (insert random thing here). There were lots of vampires and zombie looking people. Just a totally different take on the holiday. Well it is also very new here, it just started getting popular about 5 years ago. I did see a few trick or treaters though which made me happy!

On to the bad that has happened these past 2 weeks. Well I have gotten homesick a lot lately. I don't know if it is just because I am stressed out about school and still not being registered because the political science department likes to take their dear sweet time on EVERYTHING!!! Sometimes I really wish it wasn´t so expensive to fly home because going home for a weekend would be really nice I think. Another thing that went wrong is my hard drive in my computer crashed on Monday. That was like icing on the cake after my bad week at school. So, I had to go out and buy a €350 netbook, which deffinitely put a dent into my money budget but in the end it was also nice because now I have a spanish keyboard to write all my papers in for classes and my computer is small enough now that I can take it to class if I wanted to. So I guess I will just have to look at the bright side of that.

All in all, Spain has been treating me well. I have fallen head over heals with the city. The longer i'm here the more i'm tempted to make me stay in Spain permanent... I don't know when or if that will ever happen because I am deffinitely going to finish my degree at NWU and well who knows after that I might come back and teach English to Spanish kids for a while before I go to law school.

It's crazy that in 6 weeks I will be going back to the US for Christmas and then I only have 6 months left in this country. I really hate thinking about that because I love my life here. I love meeting people from lots of different countries, I love the culture, the food, the atmosphere in general. My only complaint about Spain is the school system and how disorganized it is. Besides that, I could really see myself living here for at least a while. I know that is not what all you people back home want to heat, esp my parents.

I was an independent girl before I left for Spain and being about 99% completely on my own for the past 2 months has made me such a stronger person. I feel like I can take on almost anything. I have been through rough times and gotten through them. I feel like everyone should have this experience. Getting completely out of your comfort zone and doing things for yourself. It sucks at first, trust me I know, but in the end you become so proud of yourself for accomplishing so much. There is so much out there to discover and I am loving every minute of finding myself here and just like the title of my blog I am discovering new oceans =)


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