Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yes, It has been a while sorry!

Yes I realize it has been forever and a day since I have updated my blog but things got really crazy between the holidays and going back and forth from Spain the states and back to Spain again and then my finals so I will do a couple seperate blogs in order for them not to be a mile long.

This first blog will be about Thanksgiving in Spain. Team America (aka the American exchange students) decided to put together a big thanksgiving dinner so we would not be lonely and missing our families this holiday. Ironically, the Turkey day was held at our Italian friend's apartment because they had the most room. All of the americans searched high and low for the typical food of an American Thanksgiving. My roommate Paige and  I went all out and made cheesey potatoes, macaroni and cheese, oreo balls, and wine. Along with our food there was turkey (there was only one shop in all of Spain that sold Turkeys and you had to take all of the guts out yourself! ickky!), apple and pumpking pie, bread, stuffing, and various pastas from the Italians. All in all it was a pretty sucessful Thanksgiving :) I even streamed the Macy's Day Parade :D

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