Sunday, May 22, 2011

Best partiers in the world: Spanish people

So for the past 3ish weeks it has been nonstop parades/festivals/parties because of Holy Week and then the week after is a spring festival week. Lucky us, all the parades went right by our apartment so I could just stand on my balcony and take pictures of it!! My roommate Paige and I felt like we were in Disney land during these parades that’s how big and long they were! The Easter parade had to be the longest at 3.5 hours!

Bando de la Huerta was the biggest and craziest of the festivals. On this day the entire city and I mean the ENTIRE city was partying and drinking. There were parades, costumes, prizes being thrown, and fireworks. Needless to say the entire city was filthy by the end of the night. Countless bottles and trash lined the streets and also urine… eww. Murcia has a pretty awesome cleaning crew though because by the next day everything was back to normal and the only thing left was the stench.

One of the many parades!

Beer of Murcia

I have come to the conclusion that the Spanish definitely deserve the best partiers award. I don’t know how they do it, they would all stay up till 6 or 7am and then be up at 11am for the next parade. Loco!! I am definitely going to miss the craziness of this country. I have come to the conclusion that I don’t really want to leave Spain just yet but I think in two months I will be at peace with having to leave. I think the reason for this is that I have so much going on for me when I get back home and I am excited to start a new school yearJ I feel like such a nerd saying this but I miss real school. I say real school because no offense but school here is not really that difficult. I don’t have 15 page research papers and I don’t have 40 page JSTOR articles to read every night. School here is less stressful but I miss learning about stuff I have interest in, aka poli sci, translation and phraseology is deff not for me!! I’ve been looking at old pictures lately and that could also be the reason that I have been so nostalgic. I need AGD in my life and I miss driving home every so often to see my family. The longer I’m here the more I’m torn between my two homes, Nebraska and Spain. My last hoorah here in Spain before I have to start studying for finals will be a week trip to the island Ibiza. I am SOOOO excited for this trip! For those of you who don’t know where or what Ibiza really is its an Island off the coast of Spain and has some of the largest clubs in the world. It is basically margaritaville plus clubs. The island is absolutely gorgeous and to give you a visual it kind of looks like the island that they are on in the movie Couple’s Retreat! But that is all for now, my next entry will be more about Ibiza and all the crazy adventures that happen there J

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